Saturday, April 30, 2011

Isee Lower Level Score

From this side of Guiniguada. Felix Martin

magic on Flight islands.

The spring afternoon is quiet after the gentle trade winds blowing in rain and give reason to the popular saying that says: "In April, thousands of water and all fit in a barrel." Well, the purpose of this article was to inform you about my latest book Magic Flight on the islands of Anroart Edits included him in Laurel Collection. I wanted them to know something of the theme, the collection that is integrated, which pretended to write and some opinions of other literary writers on that series. Flight

magical about the islands is the third book in a series of four works entitled ADVENTURES OF THE GANG JERIBILLA. In this volume presents the adventures of the gang on the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife. The first two volumes already published are mysteries in the roots of the volcano and Strangers Timanfaya dragons and the fourth is to edit from the Garajonay Rites fantastic to Esmeralda. They develop the fantastic adventures of the Gang Jeribilla which consists of two boys and two girls. The protagonist is Yanira, sensitive, brave and intelligent. They are also Tanausú, the most curious and learned about nature, history ... Rita is the most restless and enthusiastic, and his cousin Reuben something Miedico while the clown.

Her adventures unfold through the ravines, summits and the skies and seas of the Archipelago Islands. The first objective of reading is to have fun and be excited about such incidents. Fantasy and reality combine shaking hands many times. Values \u200b\u200bsuch as friendship, solidarity, respect for nature, the elderly, union between the islands and the love of the land trying to impregnate their content. In addition to other educational values \u200b\u200bby releasing part of our geography, our history, our customs and vocabulary of our speech Canaries. At least so we've tried, that we have achieved more or less depends more on the discretion of the readers and experts.

Now I will limit myself to the views on Gang Series Jeribilla some writers as Pepa Aurora, perhaps our most prolific children's author and says in the book's foreword: "In this collection, the author shows his creative imagination it takes to build a link between the world adult and child domains secrets, trying to convey with great sensitivity the knowledge we need and they are listed in the textbooks. " Melu Vallejo, president of the Association which aims to disseminate Andersen children's literature, said: "Felix Martin Arencibia invites us to make a spiritual journey with a small gang of boys and girls who join independently and plan a long journey in search of a nearby world, dreamed and planned. " Teodoro Santana, poet and writer, says in the presentation of one of the books in the series of the Adventures of the Gang Jeribilla: "Felix gives us back a taste for good literature, call it infantile, juvenile or adult. For the good narrative, told in our own way, which, along with facts taken from the daily experiences and historical reality, mingles a newly minted mythology to create a new tradition. "

that I can only present a brief overview of my work. Besides the titles mentioned above and have the poetry books: Truths from the palm green Satautey, Flights from palm Bicácaro of passionate love. Regarding adult fiction: Roots of hard and dormant volcano. A section devoted to articles: From the Guiniguada. E-mails to friends. Also should be mentioned more than ten anthologies of poetry in which I participated Poets Association Canarios Arcadia, Uni-verse, Poets Canarios 2000, among others literary. I have been fortunate to participate with opinion and culture in various newspapers and magazines of the Archipelago. I've also recited several of our islands. Flight

magical about the islands is in the Fairs of Las Palmas and Madrid in the month of June. Also Paragraph will be in the library of St. Bridget, and the capitals of other islas.Bueno I leave you with some verses of poems Truths from the palm green Satautey: "Butterflies flit

between pale yellow

here, there

candle plant in flower

in the reeds. "

Felix Martin Arencibia

Friday, April 22, 2011

Is There Any Way To Get Soul Silver Rom

April 23, 2011 BOOK HAPPY

This year the day the book is camouflaged in the midst of the Easter holidays, we did not want to celebrate this day without recommending that we use to celebrate the anniversary with a book from our authors canaries. Happy Book Day and happy break!

This Saturday April 23 is celebrated World Book Day.

This date, prepared by UNESCO for the death of Cervantes and Shakespeare, April 23, 1616, each year reminds us that wonder of imagination that was Don Quixote, but also the critical depth a work apparently humorous and lighthearted.

Since the publication in 1605 of the first part of The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha and in 1615 the second part, this book has become probably the most widely published books worldwide and is the masterpiece of English literature.

El Quijote leads to an investigation of the text and its circumstances. Novel readings that impoverish and enrich, of which mad and making wise, sharpness of wit and the dulling of the imagination, literature and weapons, justice and poetic justice mocked, multiple and kaleidoscopic, is a tool able to reflect on the world while it does about itself.

The book is not any object, much less an object we can underestimate. The book can be a tool both as a weapon. Or both at once: with books has become reality as much as it has been fought, because it is the privileged instrument of social change. Books, newspapers and magazines, libraries, bookstores, the whole vast accumulated knowledge of the tradition of the company's bastion of civilization and of democratic modernity.

... No democratic possibility without books. Because there is no informed citizens without them. For a culture that revolves about the book is a culture in which the individual exercises in the skills and abilities of the sources of information in the complex interpretative processes, the critical sense of the events.

The book also is a guarantor of peace. Not surprisingly, before any war or armed conflict is usually not uncommon to see supporters of oppression burning books, destroying libraries, universities and cultural centers and dedicated reader. Longstanding fear of tyrants and totalitarian enterprises to books and reading.

Reading is very harmful

people learn to think is dangerous, people cultivate the mind is an abominable activity. Should be more profitable for the ruling party invested heavily in the stupid series The Revoltosa, the TVC, which promote the culture.

... Why are culture and education are always so expendable and which chapters to get their hands on when budgets are bad dice? ... Luis Leon Barreto

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tooth Pain After Filling Fall Out

Deoído Lost in the City Weekly Agenda 18/24

Easter brings calm to the nightlife, giving even cases of rooms that they put closure to return from vacation. Still, no cease to exist good opportunities in terms of live music is concerned. As usual, it is again a big week for the blues, with fixed as Tonky de la Peña or Stevie Zee meeting and Ñaco Goñi. New opportunities also to discover the direct Iñigo Coppel or Caesar Pop , if you have not already done so. Also, this weekend the seal and concert promoter Holy Cobra Society celebrates its tenth anniversary with two nights of concerts at Wurlitzer Ballroom in highlighting the visit of King Louie's U.S. Missing Monument and The Red Dons. And much more, from funk to hardcore, surf to the singer-songwriters. This is the agenda of concerts in Madrid for Easter.

Monday, 18 April
  • Stevie Zee & Blues Ñaco Goñi Populart Meeting. 22.30h. Free admission
Since last Saturday 16 and during all nights of this week, the jazz cafe Populart retrieves the union of two figures of the blues, formed by the American guitarist and harmonica player Stevie Zee English Ñaco Goñi, to Live accompanying Javier Fernandez (bass) Armando and Marc (drums). Each night this week in two passes, at ten and eleven and a half, with free admission.

Tuesday, 19 April
On Tuesday, Caesar returns to the Eagle Owl Pop to present his solo songs. Asturian musician, part of Laziness live and now embarked on the tour Paskual Igor will be joined this night Txetxu Altube of The Madison. Meanwhile, Vico and individuals, the Argentine project Pepe Curioni, will be performing at the café Libertad 8. Now change radically from one third, as the room gets Barracudas on Tuesday the visit of the American hardcore band Cruel Hand, which will be the opening act for national bands Never Draw back and the small print. As for the blues, Tuesday nights are sure bet with the jam sessions Tonky of Soul Station Pena and Juan Bourbon, Juan Scotch & John Beer at Moe.

Wednesday, 20 April
After the dissolution of Four Roses tribute band Goodnight Rose, born in January 2010 Mr. Mamut, rock band from Madrid on Wednesday presented his first album in '77 Grotto in the company of bands and Ex Sexy Chocolate Cuchalarma. Before the afternoon, we have the opportunity to see Marta Tchai free, will be in the forum Fnac de Callao presenting new album, and Samuel Levi and The Lost Boys, who will do so in the Fnac de La Gavia. It also presents new album Fon Román. The former member of Pirates will be at Cafe La Palma accompanied by Aerostat. In addition, Juan Bourbon, Juan Scotch & Beer will be in the John Reed, in training sextet.

Thursday, 21 April
  • Iñigo Coppel + Devoto Blues Club RRR. 21.30. € 6
  • Response Model Polar + Travel Costello. 21.30. € 7
  • Thee Wylde Oscars (AUS) + The Frinchers in '77 Grotto. 21.30. € 8
  • Resurrection Fest band contest in Legend. 20.30. € 5
  • Tribute to Marilyn Manson in Ritmo & Compass. 20.30. € 5 / 8 Black Jam
  • El Junco. 23h. € 6
  • Stevie Zee & Blues Ñaco Goñi Populart Meeting. 22.30h. Free entry Live Animal
, Iñigo Coppel continues to present on stage their second studio album, Man que mató a Iñigo Coppel . En esta ocasión estará en el RRR Club, teloneado por Devoto Blues. Al mismo tiempo, la sala Costello ofrece una nueva edición de sus sesiones indiegenas, contando esta vez con Modelo de Respuesta Polar y De Viaje. Y llegados desde Melbourne, Australia, la banda de garage Thee Wylde Oscars tiene en Gruta '77 una parada dentro de su gira europea. Desde las nueve y media, los australianos estarán actuando en la sala de Carabanchel junto a The Frinchers. Destaca además en esta noche de jueves el concurso de bandas del Resurrection Fest, festival de hardcore y punk que se celebrará del 28 al 30 de julio en Viveiro, Lugo. Cuernos de Chivo, As my world burns, Never draw back, Silent Havoc Okinawa and compete to gain favor with audiences and jury with the goal of playing in the Galician festival with bands like Pennywise and The Adicts. On the other hand, Ritmo & Compass hosts a tribute to Marilyn Manson concert with the participation of bands Inne, Resolution, Stoners N Sugars, Decaidah, Spin Ke Tu, Panther Punk Dopetown. And let's not forget Black Jam, the band every Thursday offers in El Junco a jam session of black music, composed by Susan Funkwoman, Antonio "Pax" Alvarez, David Salvador and Carlos Murillo.

Friday April 22

party begins for the tenth anniversary of the label and concert promoter Holy Cobra Society in Wurlitzer Ballroom that Friday night will feature performances of King Louie's Missing Monument, Venereans and Las Jennys of Arroyoculebro. Meanwhile, Cave '77 surfing holiday with two bands as The Tikinautas and Los Galerna. Changing third, and looking back to funk, the room houses the Imagina Funk Caracol Madrid, organized by Imagine Planet Funk and Babylon, which will feature performances from The Sweet Vandals, preceded by the final competition of funk bands in the involving Agaporni's Funk, La Mula and Blue Pyramid. In addition, the Cerrado is presenting Paul Extremadura their acoustic songs in the Irish pub O'Neill's and The Forty Nighters will be handed back to the blues in Soul Station.

Saturday April 23
  • The Red Dons (USA.) + + USSR Glam Wurlitzer Ballroom. 22h. Corn Fakes
  • in El Junco. 23h. € 6
  • Greenwich Village in Honky Tonk . 00.30h. Stevie Zee
  • & Blues Ñaco Goñi Populart Meeting. 22.30h. Free admission
Second night of celebrations in Wurlitzer Ballroom by the tenth anniversary of Holy Cobra Society and triple concert again, this time with the U.S. The Red Dons and the English bands USSR and Glam. Saturday also offers the chance to see two bands of different versions of trends. On the one hand, we have in a Corn Fakes Junco, a combo made up of members of Mama Boogie and Fix This, with a repertoire based on black music. Furthermore we Honky Tonk to Greenwich Village, occupied what is commonly know as American has the strong American roots rock found in the songs of The Band, Tom Petty or Neil Young.

Sunday, 24 April
On Sunday we visit the Dutch garage band Low Point Drains, in its English tour will be accompanied by Fuses. In Madrid the appointment is in Wurlitzer Ballroom, from ten in the evening. At the same time, the Catalan artist Lidia Guevara be acting in the Eagle Owl. There he will present his new album, Elephant Memory , on sale since last March. And on a Sunday again, Norman Hogue, New York musician who lives in Madrid, again by the International Blues Machine at El Junco, which will provide his usual blues jam session.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Good Hairdresser In Brampton

April Love of Vinyl The Deltonos, preparing new album poll the interest of their fans for making a vinyl edition

Since last February, The Deltonos found in Guitar Town recording the songs that form part of The of worms, their new album, the seventh longest in the history of the band. Several years ago the Spaniard group record, produce and edit references completely independently, dealing with the whole process. A new proof of this is the question that launched today: You have The can of worms on vinyl? The band brings to the table the ability to edit his new album on double vinyl 10'', and before making a final decision want to know the real interest in this proposal.

"How many would buy the vinyl (more downloads)? Aseguraríais you how buying an advance with a do not know, 30% discount?" Calls into question one's own group through a targeted email his followers. Those interested can answer or making any comment writing. Meanwhile, the band, which resumed its activities on stage will be on 7 May in the parking Liérganes FEVE (Cantabria), acting in a climate change festival. In addition, on June 17 will take their direct Portocolom (Mallorca). Simultaneously, Hendrik Röver continues to present no fear for me, her second solo album. These are the upcoming events:
  • 28.04 El Gran Café, León. 22.30h.
  • 29.04 Mardi Gras, La Coruña. 22.30h. 30.04
  • Son Cangas. 22h.
  • Patio de la Favorita 05.05, 27.05
  • Gijón Albacete (+ Miguel Bañón) 28.05
  • Rojas, Murcia (+ Miguel Bañón)

Source: Guitar Town Recordings
Photo: Manuel Ruiz

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bari Jay Shimmer Collection In Atlanta

Heaven Can Wait Interview with Los Hermanos Dalton

Luckily, Dalton Brothers never left at all. After releasing in 2000 a live album in which overhauled their first ten-year career, with great references as Vitamin D or Nothing sounds ig ual , the band crashed into the commercial interests of the early century and no label that pays for his new songs, its activity slowed to almost disappear. The good news came in 2009 when the group announced that autoeditaría Cadiz Esperand or signal, the album recorded years ago, and out on tour to present live, in an innovative format which they called powerpop sound.
And with the forthcoming edition of Without moving the chair, a live DVD that will pick up his performance last November at the Teatro de las Cortes de San Fernando, Cádiz, the band returns to its usual format of Trio to tour the country presenting his latest album. And are here.

A break of seven years, and almost complete record on stage, "once thought that everything was going to end?
Josema : If, in fact I had already settled completely and did not want to continue. The first year I was very frustrated. I had mono. We were playing all the time, going, going ... But then at least I made myself comfortable and once had left the wheel-disc concert album, it was hard to get concert again. Now we are moving slowly, little by little and the change is not drastic.

Once submitted your tour to present Waiting for a sign. Did you see at concerts that were from before or there is an audience that was lost and must be retrieved?
Josema : We've lost a part. Also people have got older. Almost all have children, and then you realize that many things have to match for a person who has children can go to a concert. Is more complicated and we notice that a lot. What is now very difficult for us to reach a young audience, leaving the public who knows us well and we have heard and get new audiences. It is very difficult for us right now, as is the market right now.

The presentation tour Waiting for a sign included in the band, and Benji Octavio Montoya Perondi, putting instruments like the accordion and the mandolin. Did you get yourself to miss it before, a greater volume and power?
Josema : No, the body asked us down a little rhythm and noise. We realized that playing acoustic songs might also be powerful, even faster, and took out a part of the song which was previously hidden under electric guitars. Then, thanks to Benji accordion and percussion Octavio we give a new perspective to all the songs. The case is that it is more expensive to move the sound that power. Then, without leaving the final sound, electricity is what works best now. And perhaps it is also what we are asking. Call

attention recently that artists such as Ariel Rot, Sidonie and Quique González tours have raised alone or nearly alone. I do not know whether to accede to economic reasons but in this case, and if they need ... How should be the situation for others?
Josema : I think they have something to do, surely. There are many acoustic a guy alone. It is a way out of crisis. Now, concert halls also charge for playing. You have to pay for putting up posters and then are small rooms, but to fill, they would not have so many benefits. But we must adapt, must adapt to the times.

How do you plantéais the current tour?
Josema : Right now we're doing a concert a month or so. If summer come two or three concerts would be pleased. And after the summer we'll see if we continue with the tour, if we do something new or if we return to sound. Let's say we are doing always what we ask the body will not have a defined strategy.

currently not you work with a management office, as contratáis concert on your own. "Without office is difficult to get into the summer festivals?
Josema : Impossible, you have to have some contact there. We do not yet have known no festival. We've thrown a pass at some but we have not been answered yet. still do not know if we have time to come. It would be nice because it is one of the most fun for groups. Soon

publicaréis a live DVD of the acoustic tour Waiting for a sign but are there plans for a new studio album?
Josema : The option that would follow what we're doing now but we still have not gotten. I tell you, we always do what is coming. Perhaps following a strategy we should have set and to compose songs for, when we'd just pull the disc and the sound, have something to go on the market, but right now is to head a new disk. Above all I had the illusion that Waiting for a sign not to stay there in the drawer. You know it is normal that someone tells you that his latest album is the best. I have always believed that this album is and what I want is to teach people.

you worked with producers such as Hendrik Rover, Paco Loco and Kurt Bloch, now repetiríais "with one, find another or prefer longer working on your own?
Josema Man, on our own I think we have learned but with any of the three could repeat for we had a great time. The three friends have been producing. Have adapted to us and we them. We have allowed many things that maybe many producers will not let you.

You are considered a legendary group in the pop and English rock. It's almost 20 years since Hollywood Lights , your first demo What do balance sheet? "You would change anything?
Josema : I would change a few things. We have noticed over time that we have done wrong by the momentum or the mentality you have when you're in music for money. When you realize that over time, and keep your status up not say, "if I had changed something before, maybe we would be higher." Or not, what better would worse. We do not regret but I think we could have done something different, not to give anything but have changed a few things to that things had gone a little smoother.

Carlos : I agree. And I'll ask a question, with your permission. If now you give a contract to allow us to live music ... Clearly this is not a lottery but if we offer something like to start work with enough. So what would you do?

Josema : I would, because I think there are contracts and contracts. They called us once to sign a contract with a company for five years and five albums. They said they would do a promotion that was a bit silly and we had to be available to play two or three months. Eventually dropped all but I a tour of these bestial itself would make, of these three months you play nonstop.

Carlos : You take the drugs ...

Josema : You take drugs and go.

Carlos : And in terms of creativity, musical style. Instead of having exploited the pop side, which was where we had touched the hearts of the people, began to exploit more the punk side after Vitamin D . That's losing a little north.

You are a famous band do very good versions, are you particularly proud of any in particular?
Josema : We try to versions like our tunes. Thanks the versions we have learned to play, and many other things. We have learned melodies, how to make songs ... Today, for example, we play Downtown Train, Tom Waits, which is one that we are especially proud to have done, and then we also touched version of the Pink Panther (Pink Panther ) gave us a lot of output at that time, although commercial stations would not support it. From The Top 40 would not support it because they said he sang in English. And then came Dover, Australian Blonde ... a lot of groups singing in English. Was that, not wanting to support a group that gave money to a station commercial. I think that if they had worked the single had reached far more people.

Today you are in Madrid because it celebrates the 40th anniversary of Disco Grande, the program Julio Ruiz, who was very supportive of you in your beginnings. What did this support to you?
Josema : The truth is that they hear on Radio 3 is one of the strongest things we could have because we were fans of the program. Julio Ruiz was the first one we got. We did a concert in Madrid, in the room Revolver. It was like a trap, only for press people. And, among others, was Julio Ruiz. We talked after the concert, said he liked me and we took and recorded in my studio the songs he said he liked. And then we did the first demo. Not all songs that were part of the first demo disc. Today for example we play Hollywood Lights, which was in the first model but was not the first album. We were going to burn and the disc and all that, but the people who had been hearing so many years had given us was great.

In that sense, how you see the music journalism of the day? Was previously more powerful or respected? If someone like Julio Ruiz put you on the radio, did you have more impact?
Josema : On Radio 3 for example, new people are also breaking through. Perhaps now we are back again and I for one do not control the newest part of journalism.

Jesus : To me it seems that there are now twice as groups went before.

Josema : Maybe, when we left we were lucky because they spent much more time to a group that now that more time is shared between all the groups out there.

Carlos : I think that, due to market requirements was easier than the looks of the record were directed to groups that did alternative music. At that time more than now.

Josema : So it was difficult to enter the market, but if Radio 3 was if you had two thousand copies sold out on that disk.

At any point in your career did you feel part of a particular circle or musical movement?
Carlos : No. That was a handicap for us.

Josema : Sure, we were too commercial and too alternative for the commercial alternative. Too pop for indie, too indie to pop ... we were in no man's land. What we do have is a circle of friends. Hendrik Rover, Paco Loco, José Ignacio Lapido, Alex Diez ... We have a circle of friends with common interests.

surprising, for example, in One more night, your live album, the coincidence between the collaborating artists perhaps closest to you, as Josele Santiago, with others like Fernando Medina, singer Reincidentes. The two parts of English rock, but in different worlds.
Josema : A Fernando we have known because we played with them several times. He is a guy that, even then that investigates other kinds of music styles, not closed. He liked our album, we got in touch with him and even came three days. We recorded in three days, one in Seville and two in Madrid.

posibildades How the Internet valued in terms of communication in social networks? It is easier to reach people now, but do you notice more responsive in terms of record sales or concert attendance?
Josema : It was better before, at least with us. Before the radio called more people than now. Now we can reach more people but then you see the answer in concerts or record sales is not so much as care providers you see on your Facebook page or on your MySpace.

Carlos : To me it seems that more research is being repaired on something. You like a group, but not much time you stop to listen. Start checking out how many groups of this style and leave you a lot. In the most extreme case, for you an example: when I was a kid bought a record and we were a month with him. Now you're with a group one day, or a song from a group, and still another, and another ...

"Are you a romantic traditional formats, physical formats? Do you think that with the new digital formats can get rid of the concept album as we have always understood?
Carlos : Is that how you can change so fast ... tell you the truth, I do not dare to draw conclusions.

Jesus : It seems to me sad that, what you said to buy discs. We remove the plastiquito, put it and enjoy it more. I am a romantic in that regard.

Carlos : But all formats are based on the songs downloaded system of piracy. We all do, we work together with it. But yes, you had another dream

Josema : I think so, that will all but disappear, well, you have to adapt to the times. To me when I gave more trouble is when he switched from vinyl to CD because you picked up the vinyl, which opened ... It was big, you saw the photos, but since I switched to CD and I feel sorry for the MP3 and all that. As I see it on my iPod as on the CD.

The label on which you have always been, DRO, do not bet on your album in 2002. Do you think that now the situation is the same, perhaps worse?
Josema : I think the thing that is worse. For example, groups such as Deltona, of which we were talking about earlier. The Deltonos have charisma, wear a lot of years ... DRO because they do not remove the disc. It offers not know what kind of contract, but it was like before you pay the hotel, studio, factory, distribution, signage ... Today you have to negotiate to see who pays what. It is almost halfway between the company and the group, then it's a pretty big step backwards. Almost not worth it to record with a record company.

How was the experience in desktop publishing with Waiting for a sign?
Josema : In terms of recording and production have led to the time we want, because we own studio. Supposed to do what we wanted at all times to record total freedom to choose the tools that we wanted to put the songs you wanted or choose. At the end it was quite an experience good. I for one think it is the record we wanted to do. Although, of course, at that time. Anyway, I think the result is not bad and even today there is still considerable. Times have changed but, in my view, the disc is quite current.

Being a self-released album, "you noticed particular difficulty in terms of distribution and promotion?
Carlos : We are no longer professionally in the field. The difficulties of the public had prior to going to see each other do we have to play. We tested few days a week because we each have our work and our family. As same, you can not do tasks manager. Would have to pay a guy to be dedicated to that. And, now, that we can not pick and hire musicians can not hire someone. It would be a gamble but, of course, we have work and family. We're a little between dedicated and non-professionally devote to music. We dedicate ourselves because we like, but then to throw the house out the window ...

Josema : There are people that we've missed promotion to the disc and got them to put it, to tell us they like or to put it on the radio.

You have your own recording studio Factory. There grabáis very different bands. Do you work as technicians or intervenís also on the creative side?
Josema : I'm the coach, say. And when the opportunity arises I producer, I play guitar, backing vocals, a bit of everything. Record depends on who you ask you ask for more or less. More or less, almost always drop something.

In closing, are you still to the national news? Do you have called some attention recently?
Josema : Yes, I like a group of Granada, Napoleon Solo, especially the song has to end . I think it's a song round, I really like.

All the news about Los Hermanos Dalton in Facebook page or on MySpace .

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Which Is The Best Test For Hiv

Honest rock and roll Hot Whips EP (2010)

Attitude, rock delivery and honest, without artifice, in the studio and on stage, what else might be missing? Sometimes it is necessary to invent anything to stand out from the thousands of proposals that arrive daily in our ears. We talked about Hot Whips, Madrid training consisted of members of Idioterne, Funk Explosion or Malospelos, last year had this EP, released only on vinyl 10''. Recorded by Ernesto Dueñas (guitar, vocals), Migui Miranda (bass, vocals), Hector del Barrio (guitar, vocals) and Luis Gomez (drums), this is self titled work consists of five songs, one of them hidden, and has collaborations with artists like Sidney Gamez (ex-Sobrinus, deliberately), Tuli (Alamedadosoulna) or Robertez (Motociclón).

The album begins with a whiplash as The sea northern ca, a tough portrait of life accompanied by Robertez harmonica, singer Motociclón. A song round, blunt. Then complete side A Sincere love theme where we can hear the sax Tuli. And we flip the disc to meet the festive Malquebién , unmissable live, then find Two sides, a theme played by Hector del Barrio showing a darker side of the band. Just then we have the hidden track on the album, a bad ass seat . A great cover letter, musical and formally. The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Isaac Rico, who also has served as co-producer with the band. If not to

the best name used recently by a group at least the most horny and this also reflects his humor and his passionate live. Hot Whips is a rock band in Castilian character, forceful and direct, recalling at times, and always keeping distances, Barricada, Rosendo or Motociclón themselves. Rock always, with letters and kept a great attitude and delivery, without losing the closeness so grateful. With this EP showed label over the past year, also participated in a tribute to Goodnight Rose orchestrated by The Wheel House. Since then, the band has been hampered his training battery with the abandonment of Luis Gomez and the subsequent defection of guitarist Hector del Barrio. Still, Miranda and Ernesto Dueñas Migui go forward with determination and support from colleagues as Joe Eceiza or Tuli, who have accompanied them until their concerts, completing the band.

Today Hot Whips are recording a new album, which presumably will be released after the summer. You can keep abreast of developments in the various group pages MySpace, ReverbNation or Facebook .

Whips The self-titled EP can be heard on Hot Spotify .

Why Does My Chest Hurt En I Exercise

The Farm Festival The Marañones lead a festival organized by the House Friday

On Saturday June 11 will be held at the Municipal Auditorium in Coldstream (Ciudad Real) the first edition of The Farm Festival, an event promoted by those responsible for The Wheel House, Cultural Association non-profit organization based in the locality Dad Mancha. The Farm Festival seeking an identity born delves into American roots and draws on rock, folk and country to events in our country. So, for this first edition, the organization has developed a balanced lineup that will be led by veterans cashews and complete with bands like Sugar Mountain , Holywater , Tomorrow and The Lazy Jeans.

are now on sale Tickets for the festival, which since last Monday to Sunday 17 can be achieved by 8 € through . After this period of two weeks, tickets can be obtained in advance for 10 € and at the box office for 12 €. More information on the official web of The Farm Festival.

How Long To Heal Broken Capillaries

wheels pop rage and Costello Toulouse + Scandal 04/01/1911

punctually, at about ten o'clock at night, Scandal were preparing to break the ice. By then, the room still showed a rather bleak, with little public, but that was something that was soon to change. People would build up gradually as they advanced minutes, until practically full already Toulouse on stage. It is difficult to trust or not punctuality. If other sites make you wait as appropriate, in Costello is not the case, much less if there are multiple bands, because half past eleven everything must end. Therefore had little time Scandal, who just the day before were opening for Eric Fuentes Moby Dick. But that did not was a major problem. There is a band scandal too need to make clear what stuff they are made. In just 25 minutes, formerly known as Impala had more than enough to provide a good indication of its wild and raw rock.

A dirty sound and attractive in the vein of Jon Spencer for a band concerned about the attitude and image, absorbing such shameless clichés of rock and roll unleashed and ending on the floor at every opportunity. And thanks, because if the musical is over and never suffers. A concert short, but intense, which featured songs like The bicycle day, Superpájaro , Blues rock torn Come with me or the curious (and rabid) The CNT has been my girl . Soon we will hear about more of them because, as announced, on May 24 will be released his first album, The missile crisis, an album produced by Brian Hunt and mastered by none other than Hendrik Rover, leader of Los Deltonos In his studies of Guitar Town.

Behind them appeared on the scene Toulouse, banda Granada in the wake of rock and pop quality that seems to have always existed in their city. A proposal in the wake of Children Mutant Lizard Lori Meyers and even Nick, who may bear some similarity to tackling songs, with the unwavering strength and a peculiar but striking style of singing, on the other hand, do not try to hide his Andalusian origins. The band visited Madrid to present its third EP, Behind the scenes, recorded in the studios Dangerous Productions last summer. In the audience, true unconditional, follow these ers who believed in the quality of her favorite band and are known fortunate to enjoy on the premises of small or medium capacity before his expected ascension. And the truth is that Toulouse not seem to lack nothing about it, at least compared with other bands of their style. We'll see dictates the time.

The concert consisted of songs from their three EPs released so far, highlighting issues such as ice cream machine or starting point, in addition to surprise us with a version of the popular Neither you nor anyone of Alaska, getting take her spot in style. It was almost half past eleven when sounded Everything changes, which ended with another good night of live music in Costello, with two young bands, good projection and different ways. We follow the track.

photos Aitor García

Blueprint For How To Build A Fireplace

Agape Flashback Experience brings together a commemorative celebration fetish of the legendary bands local news Madrid

On Sunday 8 May will be possible to travel in time from the Orange hall , former Chesterfield Café. There will take place from 20.30. Agape called Flashback Experience , a party to be held on 26 th anniversary of the legendary Lime Malasaña rock temple of Madrid between 1985 and 1994. To celebrate he will take the stage several groups and artists that twenty years ago attended the Agape: Enemies, Sex Museum, Wheels, The Uvi , The Coronas , jerky , Glutamate Ye-Yé , Tattoo Sex, The Native, Antonio Bartrina and Ariel Hernandez (Malevaje), Los Macana, Guns and Butter , J. Band Teixi , Ana Curra and enigmatic formation named All Stars Agape. The party was completed with the presence dishes Fernando Pardo, Manolo Calderón, Pablo de la Cruz, Juan Hermida, Iñigo Munster and Javier Hernandez. Tickets for the Agape Flashback Experience are now on sale for 15 € in , , Milky Way and Tupperware. At the box office will have a price of 18 €. Importantly for Attendees will have a gift pack consisting of a repeat of Agape Live , bumper and sheet.

greatly surprising participation Enemies. Madrid The band dissolved in 2002 with two live albums in which he reviewed his long career. Henceforth, only once have met on a stage, but not with their traditional training. In 2006, Enemies celebrated the 20th anniversary of their first album, Ferpecto , and the event presented as they had done in 1986, trio and Artemio Pérez to the battery.

to get in situation or know what it sounded like Agape, you can subscribe to the list of Agape Sounds Spotify. More information on the facebook group dedicated to local longed Madrid, Virtual Agape.

Sources: Requesound / Manerasdevivir / Virtual Agape

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Should I Write In A Card To A Baby

Flurry Child Mutants The band premiered the video clip, Announces New DVD and edit their latest album on vinyl

Niños Mutantes live a great moment, and not waste it seems to think. After the release and the great reception of The sleepless nights, his seventh album, and holding late last year its 15 th anniversary the band announces new juicy material. Soon, edited a DVD which will collect exactly that performance at the Alhambra Theatre from December 16, which held its first fifteen years with the company of many guests and a special code that reviewed his career complete. In addition, on April 16 will be selling a vinyl release of their latest album, The sleepless nights, and being able to book via Web of Ernie Productions.

But there's more. Joining as a gift to both the DVD and the vinyl edition The sleepless nights, the group Animals prepared EP consisting of three new songs, an acoustic version of Voice and various remixes of their single Errante. Indeed, yesterday the Radio 3 website exclusively premiered the video for this song, directed by filmmaker Alexis Morante. You can see from this link .

Sunday, April 3, 2011

How Do We Know A Ringworm Infection Is Healing

Agenda to lose track weekly 5 / 10 April

Reboot the blog with another good week of concerts ahead. One week you can enjoy true classics of rock in English, if Loquillo, Ariel Rot or Asphalt reborn. It is also a great time to visit the Siroco, which turns 21 and celebrates with special programming, meeting this week bands and musicians like Sidecars, Vikxie or interesting collaboration between Paul Galiano Hector Tuya. Also hosts the 32 th anniversary of Passion Flower , the Radio 3 led by Juan de Pablos, who pay homage to two nights of concerts in which we hear remarkable pop groups such as Wild Honey, Cooper, The Summers or Cola Jet Set. Mindful also visits such as the Galician The Allnighter Workers or the British Lord Rochester, to share the stage in Charade with The Wildebeest and Los Tiki Phantoms. Without further ado, the weekly schedule of concerts Madrid.

Tuesday, 5 April
On Tuesday we visited the Dutch The Skywalkers with lysergic rock. The duo will be performing in Utrecht Wurlitzer Ballroom in the company of The Buildings of Caceres. Moreover, as every Tuesday, two recommended Fixed blues jam session. On the one hand Tonky de la Peña in Soul Station and, second, Juan Bourbon, Juan Scotch and John Beer, again in Moe.

Wednesday, April 6
presents very interesting the picture in Siroco since last Thursday began a special program for the celebrations of 21 º anniversary. On Wednesday, no fewer than four concerts. First we have the duo formed by Paul Galiano and Hector Tuya, an unexpected collaboration of two rock talent in Castilian. Assisting him onstage: Vikxie, Arvol and Sidecars. On the other hand, the young band along Carbon 14 will be a Piece of Changes in Cave '77, a free concert. In addition, Mr. Chinarro presented in the forum Fnac de Callao his new album, President .

Thursday, April 7 Enlace Ariel Rot
  • in Galileo Galilei. 21.30. € 18
  • The Allnighter Workers in La Boca del Lobo . 21h. € 7 / 9
  • + Big City Tulsa at Club Astoria (Nasti ). 21h. € 10
  • Paul Closed + The Kinkis in RRR Club. 21h. € 7
  • They + Denver (CHL) in Rock Kitchen. 22h. € 15/21 Sunrise Bird
  • in Sun. 21.30. € 10/15
  • Second in Joy Eslava. 20.30. € 12
  • The Butterfly Explosion (IRL) + Paramo in Ritmo y Compas. € 10/13
  • Andy Chango in Finn's Tavern. 22h. Free admission
This Thursday night the second concert highlights Ariel Rot in Galileo Galilei, with a show on tour framed Rot Solo, where the Argentinean musician has decided completely alone to face groups, surrounded by various instruments. Also highlights tonight's visit from Galicia The Allnighter Workers who earn accolades do not stop to blow rhythm and blues. We will also have the Aragonese Big City who will be performing with Tulsa at Club Astoria. In the RRR Club will be closed Paul, who started the tour Four sad rock songs, which will present its new EP. Finally, note the presence at Rock Kitchen, with the Chileans Denver as guests or the Bird's Sunrise, which features Old goodbyes, his new album, The Sun

Friday, April 8
Friday big concerts. In Siroco begins annual tribute radio show passion flower, led for years by Juan de Pablos. Two nights will be framed in the very anniversary of the Siroco, acting on the first date bands like The Summers, Wild Honey, Santi Campos, The Happy Losers, Lois Casino and Santiago Delgado and Runaway Lovers. Meanwhile, Saturn Records and the Iberian Delfuego bring us to the room Spring Tour Charade, with Lord Rochester and The Wildebeests. The two bands will be accompanied by British garage in Madrid for Los Tiki Phantoms. In Cave '77 will see a new Vikxie concert, this time opening for the young rock band in Castilian bill. We have also to Daniel Bilbao Merino, which presents new album, Another life , in the company of Sara Iniguez (Rubia). In The Dog Club. Friday's offer is really overwhelming, because we have spread in various clubs of the capital musicians and bands like Makovski Maika, The Midnight Travellers, Bigott, Spawn or Asphalt veterans. The challenge, again, is to choose.

Saturday, April 9
  • 32nd anniversary of passion flower in Siroco. 21.30. € 10
  • Loquillo at Teatro Salón Cervantes (Alcalá de Henares). 20h.
  • sold out French Connection
  • in Shandal (Alcobendas). 22h. Motel
  • Crash in Moby Dick. 21h. € 10
  • Kike Suárez and the rout in El Quinto Pino. 22h. 5 € CD. Devastated Regions
  • Autocrats + + Ed Wood Lovers in Wurlitzer Ballroom. 22h.
  • Andrés Suárez in Galileo Galilei. 21.30. € 10
  • Ismael Serrano Teatro Circo Price in . 20h. 22 to 26 €
  • Farewell Party Ocho y Medio. 22h. € 12
Second night of Passion Flower in Siroco, this time with La Casa Azul, Cooper, Cola Jet Set, Band and Papa Topo part. Meanwhile, Loquillo be with her 30 th anniversary tour at the Theatre Hall Cervantes de Alcalá de Henares. On the other hand, French Connection, the personal project of Argentine Fernando Astone, continues to present his new album, Life nomadic. This Saturday will be in the room Shandal of Alcobendas. For its part, presented in Crash Motel Moby Dick to present its fifth EP, All are lies and Kike Suárez and the rout will be for a second night at El Quinto Pino Hortaleza neighborhood, this time accompanied by Charter Baladí and Monchi. In addition, presented in Wurlitzer Ballroom to Devastated Areas, autocrats and Ed Wood Lovers. It also stresses the farewell party Ocho y Medio, who says goodbye to its current location in the Flamingo Room Hidrogenesse concert, Los Punsetes, La Casa Azul, Aviator Dro, Klaus & Kinski, Cola Jet Set, L-Kan or Cycle.

Sunday April 10 Enlace
  • Party solidarity in Plaza Sánchez Bustillo. 11h. Free admission
  • Norman Hogue & IBM in El Junco. 23h. € 6 with beer
During this weekend, Oxfam, the festival of solidarity in several English cities. Madrid will be from 11am until 20h in the Plaza del Museo Reina Sofia with many activities in solidarity. In musical terms, the festival will feature performances by Deniro (2:30 p.m..) Pataxo (16.30h.), Bel and the Boy (19h.) and Trestrece (19:30.). More about party solidarity this link. And every Sunday, Norman Hogue will be offering a blues jam session with the International Blues Machine at El Junco.