Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sims 2 Seasons No-cd Mac

about greed

about greed
Felix Martin Arencibia

rain rushes to the skin calm green islands. Her beauty and comfort us helps us renew our resolve to work in the conservation of our natural resources against the depredations of greedy few. Still rages in my mind reading the recent book of articles "We are missing lights, the mayor of Agüimes Antonio Morales and published by the SCCP.

These texts that concern the awareness of solidarity, justice and equality among human beings of the planet they argue, because they feel part of it and therefore strive to preserve it. Yes, beyond a few thoughts on a new energy model, as recommended in the subtitle. Not stay in nice words or complaints about how bad things are in our country Canario, propose concrete and realistic alternative, although they may seem utopian in view of the difficulties they put a savage capitalist system and developers in the archipelago where the chieftaincy, colonialism and imperialism affect with special virulence.

Read this book reflects not only a theory but a practice consistent with the principles advocated. There are the projects in sustainable economy: renewable energy, water, land, food ... This practice has earned them recognition at the level of our country Canario, by the Fundación César Manrique, the English state, through the ministry of Environment; internationally with awards LivCom to best environmental practices, under UN auspices. Such recognition for the team east of the island of Gran Canaria (Agüimes, Ingenio and Santa Lucía) as we explicitly Antonio Morales "are awards that require them" to which I would add that stimulate and motivate them to move forward. We should be proud of these politicians and scientists honored as Roque Calero, who are carrying out such innovations. Our duty was to support them as projects being undertaken are carried out often in spite of tripping and impediments that they are getting from the power cacique, colonial and neoliberal capitalism.

In "We are missing lights" Antonio Morales, talks about sustainable economy, limiting the growth of renewable energy, public power, democratization of power, ethics and development, participation and citizen power to lobby against electricity and others are by development ... A basic concept that I consider important and that makes it clear that it is published by the Center for Popular Culture Canaria, is that of ethics. In the times we live in is fundamental honesty of politicians and citizens who value the person more serious than that at any price level and ends up serving the economic power and relegating bien público. Que desde la ciudadanía no se valore más al que basa su permanencia en el poder en la propaganda de los medios de comunicación y no en la consecución del bien común, que no se tenga por tonto a los que tienen principios éticos y son congruentes con ellos.
Lo cierto es que “Nos faltan luces” nos puede ayudar a abrir nuestras mentes, concienciarnos y a plantearnos muchos temas relacionados con el ejercicio de la política, la participación ciudadana, no la de boquilla, la economía sostenible, las energías… Así que a animarse a leerlo, pues además, Antonio Morales es una de esas personas honradas y coherentes, de las cuales escasean. Bueno, les dejo con unos versos of our poet Francisco Tarajano: "Some time ago my land / has tied his voice, / has bent his brow / And to squash the heart." "I will open expectant rows / in my land and my sea / infiernotes are not dead / They will be a perfect paradise! / My land, my sea, / My country, my lar.


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